Grief Counseling Provides Family Support
Bereavement Support Services
The death of a loved one can be a traumatic experience physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. Grief counseling services can help guide you through the challenges as you adjust to your loss. In addition to offering our deepest sympathy, we are here to help you heal on your own timeline. We know that each person responds to grief in a unique way because every situation is different. Penn Highlands Healthcare at Home offers grief counseling and support services to guide you through some of the challenges of grieving as you adjust to your loss.
Bereavement Counselors
Our Penn Highlands Healthcare at Home bereavement counselors are available to assist anyone in our communities who has suffered a loss. We also provide professional support through grief support groups and activities. In addition, we offer bereavement support services to our Hospice families for at least 13 months after the death of a loved one. We especially encourage young people to participate in our programs designed specifically for them.
During grief counseling, we’ll help you understand what types of feelings you might expect — and assure you that they are a normal part of the grieving process. Your grieving may take the form of anger, sadness, bitterness, confusion, guilt, or hopelessness. Some people might even feel a sense of relief, especially if their loved one had been suffering. All of these are natural reactions to a loss. Some people also experience a loss of identity after the death of a loved one. They no longer see themselves as the caregiver, husband, or sister. Our grief counselors can help people develop a new sense of self through daily activities such as meeting with friends and volunteering.
Sometimes people who are grieving can become depressed. Grief can make it hard to concentrate, cause social withdrawal or lowered self-esteem, and it can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, sleep or appetite disturbances, or dry mouth. Our bereavement counselors know how to differentiate between normal grieving and something more serious.
Whatever stage of the grieving process you are in, we are here to offer support and guidance or simply a shoulder to cry on.
If you would like to learn more about Penn Highlands Healthcare at Home services or schedule someone to help you through your loss, please call us at 1-800-841-9397.
Bereavement Support Group
Penn Highlands Healthcare at Home offers free monthly adult Bereavement Support Group to all area residents. Confidentiality is respected, no reservation is needed.