Is it Allergies or is it COVID-19?

It may feel like déjà vu, but here we are again: a second spring season in the midst of a global pandemic. And for many of us, we find ourselves once again wondering, “are my symptoms from spring allergies or from COVID-19?”

“Many of the symptoms typical of COVID-19 are similar to symptoms of seasonal allergies, making it difficult to tell the difference,” said Dr. Michael Freiman, ear, nose and throat physician at Penn Highlands Tyrone. “But there are a few warning signs that it could be COVID-19, including fatigue, fever and chills. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms or other COVID-19 symptoms, contact your primary care provider.”

How do I know if its allergies or COVID-19?

While seasonal allergies and COVID-19 can cause similar symptoms, there are a few key differences. Unlike allergies, COVID-19 is a viral illness, and fever and chills are common symptoms of viral infections. On the other hand, itchy or watery eyes are classic symptoms of spring allergies, but unlikely symptoms of COVID-19.

The chart below, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides a general overview of symptoms that can help you tell the difference between COVID-19 and allergies.