Lenten donation provides new furniture for Adult Day
Community Nurses Adult Day Services was the grateful recipient of a donation from the Lenten Works of Mercy program sponsored each year by the Catholic churches in St. Marys; St. Marys Church, Sacred Heart Church, and Queen of the World Church. Through the generosity of their parishioners the Community Nurses were able to purchase new furniture and supplies for their Adult Day facility. Rebecca Nelson, Community Nurses, CEO, is pictured receiving the donation from Betsy Roberts, representing the Lenten Works of Mercy program.
The center, located at 625 Maurus Street in St. Marys, features a comfortable home-like atmosphere for adults who benefit from daytime supervision due to physical or cognitive impairments. Community Nurses, Inc., an affiliate of Penn Highlands Elk, provides home health, hospice, home support services and adult day services for the residents of Cameron, Elk and McKean Counties and parts of Clearfield, Jefferson, and Potter Counties. Contact Kathie at 781.8253 for more information on Adult Day Services.