Raising Awareness - The Importance of Tracking Heart Health
Penn Highlands Clearfield HeartCaring Programs
PHILIPSBURG – Providing people with the tools they need to improve their heart health is the goal of a new cardiac education series being offered through Penn Highlands Clearfield.
The program, titled HeartCaring, will be held the third Thursday of February, March and April from 3-4 p.m. at the Penn Highlands Healthcare Education Center, 1049 N. Front St., Philipsburg. The first class is slated for Feb. 18; there is no fee to attend.
Lori Rancik, RN BSN, case manager of The Women's Health Center of Penn Highlands Healthcare, facilitates the course.
Rancik said the program is for anyone concerned about heart disease and/or are interested in heart healthy living. Topics will focus on nutrition, exercise, cholesterol, low sodium diets and how to read food labels.
This program will also provide information to help one identify personal risk for cardiovascular diseases. The free risk assessment includes a blood pressure check, pulse check, a review of personal heart health risks, HeartCaring education pages and a take-home HeartCaring Journal to use as a personal guide to overall cardiovascular healthy living.
“A number of risk factors affect your heart, but many are ones you have some control over. Taking an inventory of the behaviors you need to change for better health is a great way to start creating an action plan. Of course, we always encourage participants to have a conversation with their physician about risk factors and behaviors,” Rancik said.
Penn Highlands Healthcare will be offering the HeartCaring series throughout its service region. Future courses will be announced in the local media.
To register for the program, or to learn more, Rancik may be reached at (814) 371-9666.

Penn Highlands Clearfield is sponsoring a series of free cardiac education programs at the Penn Highlands Healthcare Education Center, located in the Peebles Plaza in Philipsburg. The first class is Feb. 18 from 3-4 p.m. Participants will learn how to improve cardiac health. They will also receive free pulse and blood pressure checks. Here, Lori Rancik, RN BSN, case manager of The Women's Health Center of Penn Highlands Healthcare, class facilitator, checks Helen McCoy’s pulse. For more information about the classes, please contact Rancik at (814) 371-9666.