Auxiliary Charity Ball
The Penn Highlands Clearfield Auxiliary Charity Ball will be held December 12, 2015 at the Clearfield-Curwensville Country Club in Clearfield. The theme is Moonlight and Mistletoe. Appetizers are at 6 p.m., with dinner to follow at 7 p.m. The band, Live Bait, is the featured entertainment. The public is invited to attend. The cost is $150 per couple; $75 per individual.
Proceeds benefit Penn Highlands Clearfield. Black tie is optional. For ticket information, please contact Leslie Jeffries, auxiliary president, at (814) 768-7317. Committee members include, seated from left, Betty Buckell, Judy Dugan, Gail Adams and Alicia Lezzer. Standing, from left, are Dan Lanager, Erica Bibak, Ginny Johnson, Arianne Greslick, Leslie Jeffries and Joan Kroell.